Writing -- my voice
Entertaining -- my passion
A clown nose -- my drug of choice
Making the invisible visible -- my super power
Changing lives -- my mission
The list you see above may seem totally random. In actuality, it is an accumulation of life experiences, heartaches, hurdles and milestones. It has taken many years to embrace every aspect of
my life as it has unfolded. From out of the ashes....
I became the superhero that nobody saw coming.
By the time I escaped boyhood I was beat up, battered, bullied and broken down by every classmate
and drunk who blew in to orbit my universe.
Fear overwhelmed my mind and body when presented the opportunities to stand up for myself
and fight for justice.
Some of us have to break down major walls before we can can rebuild a new kind
of destiny.
Perhaps it was only fitting that -
I had to become someone else to find out who I
truly was.
Not because I was ashamed of who I was or hated myself.
Because of spotlights and makeup.
Working that mindless dreaded day job, I spent the leftovers of my mental energy learning how to communicate as many different people. Hour after hour of imitating others. To communicate something clearly is hard enough. To say it and BELIEVE IT in a way that BRINGS IT TO LIFE...is an art!
(Did you know that?)
And all endurance athletes devote their whole selves for hours.
And spotlights and makeup are how people like me keep time.
Drenched in sweat under the spotlights, with everyone watching, that's
when you remember - the time is now!!
And when the blazing spotlights cause the makeup to run down your
face into your eyes, and you can no longer see or even concentrate,
what does a true superhero do?
They rise above their current circumstance,
create their ownmomentum, and
keep flying!
We get creative. We find alternatives.
We pick our paths and run like hell because the destiny we want isn't going to make itself.
I got the B.A. and continued learning at that big fancy university, then those little hole-in-the-wall comedy
clubs, and then I did public speaking, acting, clowning here, there and abroad. When it came to making myself
visible, tons of trial and error, mistakes and success, and tons of shameless self-promotion paved the way to
taking me out of those soulless day jobs and giving me the visibility to stand on my own.
From Ohio to Arizona, New York too Arkansas. To London, Moscow, Oxford, St. Petersburg, Canterbury, Hollywood and Las Vegas.
The most exciting thing that I have learned through it all is that we always
have to honk our own horn so that others know we are coming!
That's what I do for people and their businesses, so that they can be
superheroes too.
So that they can tell the most important stories - the ones that made
them unstoppable.
© copyright 2019-2020 Bryan Lee